The Lead sheet Training Academy would like to say thank you for the new and continued support throughout a turbulent 2020. Our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.

Our best wishes go out to you, and all your families during the holiday season, we hope you have a happy and more prosperous new year. Let’s continue to support one another in 2021.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas from all the staff at the LSTA.

Courses available for February/March 2021 

Are you thinking of training over the Christmas period if so bookings are now being taken for both Lead and Hard Metal course, Places are available for the following dates:

February 2021  &  March 2021

CITB funding is available for companies registered and paying into the Levy scheme.  Alternatively you can speak to your local roof training group representative for more information on funding, click on the links below for course information.

These courses can be taken on consecutive days or spread over a period to suit your needs.

Places are now available for both Lead and Hard Metal new intake of Specialist Applied – Skills Programme (SAP) for April 2021. CITB funding is available for companies that are CITB Registered, the funding available will significantly reduce the cost to you as an employer and allow you to support the next generation of Lead and Hard Metal workers. you can also speak to your Regional Roof Training Groups representatives, who may be able to assist with advice on funding opportunities. A list of all our courses from Basic to advanced lead work or Hard Metals can be found at

If you would like to book on a course and find out the dates please contact Sharon at or call the office on 01622 872432. Alternatively you can private message us through linkedin, facebook, instagram or twitter.

Luke Butler from Eco-Ren – We chose to come to the LSTA for Training because of their reputatuion and the C&G accreditation for their courses. The LSTA are a great team, not only helping me with training but also my CITB grant application. Now I have completed the course I am looking forward to attending the Traditional Intermediate Leadwork Craft course next year. 

We are a COVID-19 secure business. Information is available on our website regarding risk assessments and in our Covid-19 booklet on how we will be managing the risk for individuals attending training, we have complied with the governments guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19.

We look forward to hearing from you. have a safe and peaceful Christmas.