Traditional Metal Roofer Directory now live!

Find the lead or hard metal worker with the skills and experience you are looking for with the new Traditional Metal Roofer Directory.

The new Directory is hosted on this website, and those listed have undertaken specific training in lead and hard metal work either under the LSTA or a former Lead Sheet Association course.

Whether you are an architect looking to ensure the work you have specified is undertaken by a qualified craftsman, a contractor looking to bring on a specialist to your team for a specific job, or a member of the public wanting to find someone with the skill level for a domestic job, the Directory can help you do that.

The listings allow you to easily search by area or skill level, or you can simply scroll through the Directory in its entirety. The LSTA’s courses are all accredited so you can see at a glance what you can expect from someone that is listed. We would also recommend, as in any construction job, that you take up references of anyone you are looking to engage on a piece of work.

To view the Directory visit